PLM Functional Spec Review

The functional spec was completed by the consultants. They performed what is called a tier process; tier one, they reviewed the processes that were in current use; tier two, they reviewed and collaborated with each tool's company to align with the processes; tier three, a review of the functional spec with the company.

The consultants sat down with the different business owners and reviewed the process from beginning to end. Each step of the process a new business owner/s would come in and validate what they have written down was accurate. Then with each step of the process they would comment on how their tool would satisfy their needs and maybe more. I sat in on every one of these reviews and a majority of the people that sat in and helped on the validation were very impressed of the capabilities of Oracle and Teamcenter.

Author's Comments:
Just keep in mind I am only trying to get you up to speed on our current situation. We are a lot further than this right now.

Have a great New Years Day!

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