Now What?!

Now that we have an electronic tool selected to enforce this new way of thinking, we need an "Enterprise Resource Planning" (ERP) tool to financially guide ourselves to a better place in the market. Our old ERP system was custom made, so trying to get it to work with anything else would be a nightmare. What we saw here is a chance to get away from an old and outdated system and move up to bigger and better things. The tool that we looked at and have been reviewing for the last 10 years, was Oracle.

I know what you are thinking. Why didn't they go with it for their PDM and process manager? This tool is just starting out in the market place for the PLM title. We wanted something that has been tested and proven in the market place so that is why we chose Teamcenter.

Oracle is known to interface with Teamcenter very nicely and the reporting capability is endless. We currently have been testing Oracle with the new processes and slowly implementing them throughout the company. So far, I have been very impressed with the system for time control and expense reports. Everything else has not impressed me as far as its GUI is concerned, but that is probably what people in finance want. I am an engineer and like things to look clean and neat, that is my little jab at finance.

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