- A product data management system with change control.
- A means to manage requirements for both the company and customer.
- The ability to plan out projects and allocate resources.
- The ability to collaborate with people inside and outside of the company with complete access restrictions.
- Bonus: A visualization software for our technical publications group.
After Oracle was thrown out of the review, we looked at a UGS product called Teamcenter. We went down to PLM World and attended as many presentations as we could. We tried the software and had them come to our company and give us a more thorough demonstration. After the several day demonstration, we were sold. We saw a huge possibility for improving the company and also improving the processes that have already been improved upon.
Teamcenter offers a variety of tracks:
- Teamcenter Engineering - Product Data Management system with process flows.
- Teamcenter Systems Engineering - A requirements management tool.
- Teamcenter Project - A project planning tool that mimics Microsoft Project.
- Teamcenter Community - A collaboration tool that can go outside the company and also allow App. Sharing Services free with the tool.
- Teamcenter Visualization - A visualization tool that is mostly used by technical publications and also for markups through drawing approval process.
We have purchased more of the other tracks not mentioned and I will talk about those at a later date.
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