Now how do you get a company this big to approve this large of a project? The method that was used, was to show that "it will not take a lot of money or personnel to achieve the end goal." The only factor that was left out of that statement was the time. The amount of time that is needed will run up the bill but it was stated that it will not take a lot of money, so how do we accomplish this. We take people that currently have a job and add this responsibility to their already filled work load. Oh yeah, make sure that they are salary so we can hide the use of their time and efforts.
The method was great. The end result will be phenomenal. The moral will be crappy.
The end users have heard the complaining from the "doers" and it has a negative effect on our tools that we have selected. The tools are great and they work beautifully, but we should have staffed extra people and allowed more money so we can achieve this project in a timely manner. The project is still going and going well but the staff are ready to quit and others are holding out for other companies that will pick them up because of their experience with our company.