Here are a couple of tips to deal with contractors:
- Make sure you have a functional specification completely created and approved before dealing with a contracting agency. This will keep your scope of work focused for an accurate quote.
- Limit the authority that the contractors have throughout their stay with your company. This might hurt in the long run due to over relying on the contractor because they will eventually be leaving.
- For each "track" of work necessary make sure you have one person of contact from your organization responsible for that contractor. This will keep your consistency to a maximum and also your efficiency.
- Because you are the lead and they are doing the work for you, make decision efficiently. I know their is no one efficient answer to any question or problem so in response of time and cost, make an educated decision and go with it. If you have to come back and make corrections then do so. At least some of the work that was supposed to be done would have gotten done and you are on the hook just for the time to correct and not recreate. This will help you to move forward and stay moving forward. Timing is everything for implementing a PLM system especially if it is tying to your ERP system. You don't want systems down to long before another one comes up.
- make sure you have the contractors documenting everything that they are doing. Some best practices are to have a weekly review of the work that they have done along with the supporting documentation.
These are just a few helpful tips to deal with contractors. I will be posting some more later next year. We are in the process right now of getting new contractors because our old contractors have more on to bigger and better things.